Posts tagged Business proposition
How M-Pesa flourished in Kenya's unique landscape

In Kenya, M-Pesa's success stemmed from addressing key needs: most households lacked bank access, mobile phone usage was high, and societal support was crucial. M-Pesa bridged these gaps, enabling easy payments and reducing corruption. With favourable regulations and Safaricom's dominance, it flourished. Its lesson? Understand a market's nuances for real success.

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Leverage local payment methods for higher conversions

Maximise your global market reach by offering preferred local payment options. Explore diverse Alternative Payment Methods (APMs) from PIX in Brazil to PayTM in India. Tailor payments to your audience, considering factors like student demographics and evolving trends. Beware of fees and empower user control to optimise revenue potential.

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Unlocking the success of super apps: Success in Asia, challenges worldwide

Super apps thrive in Asia due to unique factors like fragmented markets, high mobile usage, and cultural norms. However, the adoption of super apps has been limited in other markets due to competitive digital ecosystems, regulatory challenges, and differing user behaviours. Despite this, there is potential for expansion as the digital landscape evolves.

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Beyo Global 2023 Round-up

A summary of Beyo Global 2023 - A year of helping companies such as Spotify, The Washington Post and Bumble with their international growth. Taking on new ventures like advising Admiral Pioneer on launching innovative businesses and delving into the world of cross-cultural research, writing a book to share my global expertise. From engaging talks and guest lectures to charity partnerships. Advisory roles extended to a trustee role and non-executive positions. it was a year of change and growth.

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How walks could help you in your international markets growth

“By walking through a city, you meet the people who live there, and engage with them and their culture, on their terms in their environment. It allows you a small window into how they live. How they think about and experience the world.” Apart from interviewing carefully selected target user groups, by walking through local streets, via walks in local streets, you could expand your view of how things actually work in the local context or why your local users behave and feel in certain ways. Only then, you can choose the ‘right’ strategy and proposition for your local users, offer a better product or service and grow your business for that market.

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How to create an adaptable and scalable international markets framework?

As you progressively learn more about your users in different markets and their context, you will want to adapt your business and products accordingly in a more refined and accurate way for global growth. If your products and back-ends are built based on a language-based framework, you will soon realise how challenging and restricted it is for you to do any tailoring for individual market needs. A good way to manage this is to have a core experience that is shared universally. Content, functionalities, look and feel, portfolios, propositions and so on can then be adapted based on regions or locale.

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Persuasion and Culture: Choosing the right tools and approaches

One persuasive approach might work for one culture but less so for others, and vice versa. The art of persuasion is not universal. Understanding the underlying elements of what is important to each culture and their context means you could choose the right ‘tools’ to influence and convince your customers, for example, about your services, or even promote change of behaviours for the better.

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Think global, even if a new market is not your immediate focus

To think global only when you're planning to go into a new market is an incorrect way of thinking. It is a short-sighted approach which could cost you a lot of money down the line. Thinking global should begin when you start creating a product. It should be a continuous process where it’s embedded in your business decisions process whether you are currently in only one market, two or more.

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How not to waste money in learning about your customers and markets

We heard businesses spent a lot of money and effort in commissioning research to help them understand their customers and markets in different markets. Very often, they do not get the full value out of the work and was still left with countless questions. This is our take on this.

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